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Old Tue Jun 12, 2012, 11:38am
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Originally Posted by umpjim View Post
Regarding my bolded part of this post, has this changed?

My latest BRD ruling #12 says order of appeals on forced bases matter. It quotes FED back in 2003 and PBUC in 2000. My 2010 WUM says the order doesn't matter if the force existed at the time of miss. 8.4.1.c. in the WUM.
My understanding (via Jacksa/Roder during relaxed action) is that if the force was in place when the missed base occurred, then the order doesn't matter as long as it's the 3rd out in order to negate any run(s) scored. I believe the example Jacksa/Roder gives has to do with R1 and R3, 1 out. Batter hits a double but misses 1st base. R1 missed second on the way to scoring. Defense starts the appeal of BR missing 1st base (upheld - out number 2) and then appeals R1 missing 2nd (upheld - out number 3, still considered a force out even though BR has been declared out for missing 1st base). Therefore, R3's run does not count.

HOWEVER, if R1 had missed 3rd base on his way to scoring and the appeals took place, then the order would matter. If the Defense starts the appeal with the BR missing 1st, then that would be the 2nd out (NOT the 3rd!), and then it appeals R1 missing 3rd base (upheld, 3rd out - not a force out). Therefore, R3's run counts.

IF the Defense starts the appeal with R1 missing 3rd, then that's the 2nd out. Then it appeals the BR missing 1st base (upheld - thus the 3rd out). Therefore, R3's run does not count as the BR made the 3rd out before reaching 1st.

PBUC follows the same format and I'm sure the same is true for FED (though I will start looking through the rule/case books starting with your citation 8.4.1.c).

Edited: Your cite is from the WUM, not FED casebook. my mistake on that (as I have just read the Fed casebook 8.4.1 c and it has nothing to do with appeals!)

Last edited by cookie; Tue Jun 12, 2012 at 04:28pm. Reason: Change R2 to R1 in the second and third paragraphs (if the situation is to make any sense) - my mistake
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