Thread: Illegal Slide?
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Old Mon Jun 11, 2012, 11:13am
Caesar's Ghost Caesar's Ghost is offline
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Originally Posted by mbyron View Post
Ah, now I understand the question: do we have to have hindrance to call FPSR violation/interference?

The standard for FPSR is "make contact or alter the play," so I would say, since it says "OR," that contact is sufficient for the violation. Since the violation is treated as INT, you can have a penalty for INT even without hindrance.

Another way to get there: FPSR is a safety rule, and with safety rules we err on the side of caution. Even if F6 never threw the ball, the runner has violated the rule and brought the penalty on himself.
So you're getting two outs with contact, and no outs without contact? (Just trying to clarify).

(And, remember, F4 didn't have the ball at the time of the slide -- it was well away from him and he hadn't even started to chase it.)
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