OK, now I see it. The title of the topic is certainly misleading and was not intended to confuse.
The "No Call" would have more accurately been "No Ejection".
As for the age level, maybe it did have more influence than I would have liked to have admitted; and honestly, I am not sure what I would have done in 18-G, in spite of what I wrote earlier. Maybe it was that I was more shocked to see this at 10 rather than an upper age. The recent college stuff really has me second guessing myself about what should and shouldn't be allowed.
Finally, the "rest of the play". Good question and yes, there was action going on at the time that I killed the play. Specifically, BR was still running and about 8-10 feet from 2B. I looked when I killed it.
If I waited until BR had finished running:
a.) no telling how far she would have gotten before F2 (and coaches) remembered she was out there.
b.) F2 may have retaliated/escalated which I gave priority to, and therefore reacted instantly to prevent.
I left BR at 2B with the rationale that she would have definitely reached 2B had I not killed the play.