Fri Jun 01, 2012, 09:23am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: NE Ohio
Posts: 7,620
Originally Posted by jtheump
can't remember who i got this line from, but it was someone on this board:
"coach, that's a $50 (or $45, or $70, or whatever an umpire gets paid in the game you're working) call"
i used that line on a coach when he claimed that i missed a pulled foot on a play at 1st (the foot, if pulled, was behind 1b, which is why i couldn't see if it was pulled or not).
Coach: "he pulled his foot!"
me: "coach, that's a $73 call."
coach: "you've been practicing that line, haven't you?"
me: "it's not a line, coach. It's the truth."
me: "at least somebody around here has been practicing."