I'm afraid I have some bad news.

I've edited slightly, but the story comes from foxnews.com.
WASHINGTON It could just be more of Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf's trademark disinformation, but there were reports this week that he committed suicide.
Two Iranian newspapers reported that Saddam's notorious spinmeister, whose outlandish briefings on the state of the Iraq war earned him the nickname "Comical Ali," hanged himself shortly after the fall of Baghdad last week.
Al-Sahhaf was said to have hanged himself last Wednesday, hours after U.S. forces took control of Baghdad.
Are these reports accurate? Or were they planted by the master of disinformation himself in the hope that U.S. forces won't look for him?
Al-Sahhaf has become something of a cult figure as he continued to insist that, as U.S. forces stormed into Iraq and raced toward Baghdad, "the infidels" were being "slaughtered."