I saw a variation of this in one of my games.
R2 on 2B. The catcher came up firing as if he were making a pick-off throw to 2nd base after a pitch. The throw was right at the left shoulder of the pitcher who non-chalantly gloves that throw while the middle infielders dive for the non-existent ball and the outfielders go chasing nothing. Pitcher moves toward third as if to be the backup ... which absolutely sells the play! Meantime R2 and 3B coach buy into the ruse and the coach waves R2 toward 3B ... where the pitcher is waiting for him and makes a tag.
The best part is the team that got duped was giving me trouble all game. Their coach was a real @$$ and one of their players had decided earlier in the game they didn't want to be there anymore.
Ran into the opposing coach later and he told me they practiced that play everyday during workouts, but they had never run it in a game before. As he told me, "Then again, I never came across a coach I wanted to run it on until today."