Thread: Obstruction
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Old Sat May 19, 2012, 07:25am
umpire12 umpire12 is offline
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Posts: 21
"First part is that you cannot call that runner out between 2nd & 3rd. What would have happened had the instruction not occurred?"

i think the point he is making is how do you determine what would have happened if the obstruction not occured if you have yet to determine if the ball was even caught yet?

"Many umpires have a difficult enough time determining what should happen based on what they are watching, let alone the need to consider a multitude of "what if" scenarios when making a decision".

seems like you have to consider a lot of "what ifs" if you are making a determination of runner protection while the ball is still in the air or yet to be played on

Last edited by umpire12; Sat May 19, 2012 at 07:40am.
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