No, actually, I guess I can't either.
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
I have no problem determining a base to which the runner is protected at the time of the OBS. AFA the ball getting by the OF, that is not a subsequent play, but part of the play upon which you are ruling. We discussed this a few years ago and that was pretty much the consensus. When we are talking subsequent play, it is a reference to a throw getting away or being missed by a defender which would give the runner additional opportunity to advance that was not part of nor affected by the OBS.
This got me thinking. R1 at 2nd. Batter hits a deep high shot to right field. F9 is camped under it when the shortstop collides with R1 who was trying to go halfway. Obstruction. Do you decide immediately or wait to see if the ball is caught? And do you take into account the fact that the runner successfully got exactly where they wanted to go (halfway between 2nd and 3rd?)