Originally Posted by shickenbottom
Justme, you are obviously in un-familiar territory calling out Rich, MB, and the likes.
Since you are new to this board, I would recommend staying back a bit and let the more experienced guys post responses until you learn who is who.
Otherwise, you will put yourself in a corner where relevance to the price of tea in china is even more meaningless than it is already.
Higgy, I thank you for you kind words of concern.
I know who Rich is and respect his knowledge base BUT I reserve the right to disagree with him or to make comments in response to unnecessary statements about whether or not I should umpiring.
I can certainly take constructive criticism without having my feelings hurt, in fact I am so secure with myself that even the nonconstructive criticism doesn't hurt my feelings. But like I said before I will comment when I feel a comment is necessary....
I bet that Rich and MB (I admit I do not know who he is) are not too devastated over my comments. Like me they probably demonstrate their abilities daily on the baseball field whether doing 12 yo's or college games (and that's the only place it matters). Regardless of the disagreements I have with others on this board or how they feel toward me I rest secure knowing that tomorrow the sun will shine and my dog will still love me.
Okay end of sermon, time to pass the offering plate around..... Peace