Originally Posted by UMP25
I find this comment totally without merit. BTW, tell that to the MLB Umps.
No, it's that the other pants don't match the Davis or Honig's.
I can tell you what numerous umpires have said: "They're significantly more expensive and have to be ironed periodically in order to maintain their look."
Um, MLB umpires wear Hardwick pants, which are made by the same folks who make the nearly identical Honig's polywool slacks. They look nothing like the Davis pants.
Honig's has recently lowered the price other premium pants. And yes, they require more maintenance, and are initially more costly to purchase. But the are a very high quality product. Gotta trust me on this one. The polywools by Honig's are the best availible to the public, and are the benchmark from which others are judged.