Not A Correctable Error ...
Originally Posted by Camron Rust
For a similar type of ruling, look up the case play that involves a throwin with 0.3 seconds on the clock going into halftime where the official counts the shot....the NFHS says this is not a correctable error. The result is an incorrectly counted score, but he error was in not recognizing that time expired before the shot was released, not in counting the score.
Originally Posted by BillyMac
I hate that interpretation. Help. I can't find the casebook play. Can someone please post it.
2010 - 2011 NFHS Interpretations
SITUATION 1: Three-tenths of a second remain on the clock in the second quarter. A1’s throw-in is “caught” by A2, released on a try, and the officials count the basket. The coaches do not protest, the officials do not confer and all participants head to their respective locker rooms. Upon returning to the court with three minutes remaining in the intermission, the opposing coach asks the officials if the basket should have counted since the ball was clearly caught and released with three-tenths of a second on the clock. The officials realize their error at this point. RULING: The goal counts; this is not a correctable-error situation as described in Rule 2-10. (2-10; 5-2-5)
Thanks for finding this and posting this caseplay BillyMac. You are most helpful, and, by the way, you're quite handsome.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Thu May 10, 2012 at 05:50pm.