Originally Posted by tref
You have the situation correct... it was an attempted block off the glass after the ball already hit the glass (mens league with college & pro rules).
On the quick steal fastbreak (old L new T) I saw the ball hit the glass, less than a second later a 6'9" defender flies out of nowhere & beats the glass up. I thought he hit the ball too, obviously I was wrong.
If CEs "dont give us the ability to correct an IC violation" why is it that we can fix a b/c when we get our lines mixed up by going with an IW & POI?
Under NBA rules, you could have a goaltend if the hitting of the backboard caused the ball to take an unnatural bounce.
As far as what you can do after the whistle, consider like you would any other IW...tell the table it wasn't a goaltend, explain to the coaches why you're changing the call, if a basket was made, the POI will would be a unrestricted throw-in for the opponent. If their was no basket and no team control, go to a jump ball at center court by any two opponents and reset the shot clock to 24 seconds (if you're playing with pro rules, as you said it was a mix) or go to the possession arrow.