Originally Posted by RKBUmp
I believe it is going to depend on which rule set you were playing under. ASA doesnt mention it under courtesy runners other than they must be reported to the plate umpire, but under substitutions once reported to the plate umpire they are considered in the game.
As I recall, FED this year came out with a ruling that substitutes were not officially in the game until a pitch had been thrown.
I would say that the CR is in the game once the CR is announced AND THEN once umpire accepts the change. If the umpire turned and announced #8 was a CR, then the change is accepted.
In every other case where there are changes to the line-up or runners, the book always says that it's once it's announced. I suspect this is nothing more than an oversight, as even the Senior Slow Pitch CR section says that it's when it's announced.