NFHS 8-9-6
ART. 6 . . . Once the courtesy runner is designated for that half-inning, the pitcher or catcher for whom she is running may not return to run while that courtesy runner is on base. A courtesy runner shall not run for a courtesy runner. When a legal substitute replaces a courtesy runner, the player for whom she was running has left the game.
A substitute can replace a CR, but she is replacing the pitcher or catcher for whom the CR is running.
When the PU announced that #8 was the courtesy runner, she was in the game. Sounds like #5 was never reported in the game. If so, she was an un-reported sub. Put her in the game and warn the coach. #5 can't come in for the CR, so when she came in the game, she was replacing the catcher as a substitute.
"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?" Anton Chigurh - "No Country for Old Men"
Last edited by MNBlue; Thu May 03, 2012 at 03:21pm.
Reason: Edited to correct typo - changed #8 to #5 twice