Originally Posted by xtreamump
I am going to have an out even if I have to apply common sense. This is very good and healthy discussion. (Do not let it happen)
I agree with mbcrower what is the out for? I have a question for you. Let's take the assisting the runner out of this play for a minute. If this situation had occurred and the runner just though 'O maybe I didn't touch' on her own and that runner then touched home after a following runner had scored. Would you have considered that a proper re-touch and ruled the runner safe if the defensive properly appealed that runner missing the plate??
I am hoping that you would have ruled that runner out in my play listed above, since that's a straight by the book ruling. So if you agree that in the above situation that the runner isn't allowed to re-touch home once a following runner has scored, then what in the OP is the out for?? There was nothing for that coach to assist the runner in doing. Applying common sense isn't always a bad thing, but it should not be done when it is in direct conflict with the rules, as it would be if you call an out in this case.