Sat Apr 28, 2012, 08:18pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 746
Originally Posted by HugoTafurst
6.3.2 SITUATION A: (F.P.) In an effort to deliberately walk a batter without having to throw a pitch (a) F1 intentionally violates the 20-second rule by not delivering a pitch, or (b) F2 does not return the ball directly to F1 , but instead throws the ball to another fielder.
RULING: The spirit of the rules is being violated in (a) and (b) The umpire shall warn the coach of the defensive team and if the act is repeated, the violator shall be ejected. Whether or not runners are on base, a ball shall be awarded the batter. (3-6-13c, 6-2-3)
thanks, ron