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Old Mon Apr 23, 2012, 03:46pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by RadioBlue View Post
Again, I don't work PONY and I only have access to a FED book at this time. In FED, if the runners were beyond the next base, nothing else matters but a proper appeal by the defense. If they're appealed for leaving too soon, they're out. They do not have the ability to retouch bases if they're beyond the next base at the time of the dead ball.
I'm relatively certain FED is the only org with that rule in either baseball or softball. Some others don't allow a return and retouch if the runner touches a forward base AFTER the dead ball. Most (including Pony) do not prohibit any of this.

Here's what should have happened. Ball caught, CF goes out of play. "DEAD BALL!" R1 is past home, R2 is past 3rd. "YOU! Home!" (pointing at R1). Then "YOU-Home" (pointing at R2). Then let the runners do what they will. To avoid an out, R2 must touch third, then 2nd, then 3rd, then home. R1 must touch home, then third, then home.

THEN if the defense wants to appeal, they can do so, and any runner doing something other than what I typed would be out.

(And if we have no outs, then we can eject Defensive coach who comes unglued when R2 is awarded home ... which is stupid, but correct).
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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