Originally Posted by nafxos
And I'm still not going to call too many check-swing appeals as strikes from B or C, especially if the batter has his back to me. If the PU didn't think it was a swing, it's not like I have a better view.
You may not have a view to see the barrel of the bat in relation to the batter's body but that is only one method that
may be used to determine if a batter offered. It is actually not that difficult to tell from inside whether or not a batter offered at a pitch because what you are judging is if he made an attempt or not. That's it.
Originally Posted by nafxos
That said, I do remember in my certification class a veteran ump making it pretty clear that 99 times out of 100 you shouldn't overturn your partner's "no swing" call from B or C.
That's terrible advice and I would discard it immediately.