Two points...
First, regarding F3:
The fielder has the right to obstruct the runner when she is attempting to field a batted ball, has possession of the ball, or is about to receive the ball. None were true in this case. F3 "legitimately trying to make a play" (i.e. be prepared to receive a thrown ball) makes no difference. Neither does the "train wreck" exculsion apply, since the ball did not arrive at all, let alone at the same time as the runner. As you describe it, it sounds like obstruction to me.
Second, regarding the award:
By definition, if the umpire thought the fielder would have beaten the runner, then the judgement is that the BR would not have reached even without the obstruction and therefore can not be awarded first.
What? What definition? Is this a difference between NCAA and ASA?
If the collision happened
after the out, then you've got nothin' ... otherwise, it is obstruction. (HTBT caveat, of course).