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Old Tue Apr 17, 2012, 02:21pm
rwest rwest is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Suwanee Georgia
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Can the base path be re-established?

We all know that the base path is established by the runner and at the time a tag is being attempted. Now in a run down between bases (AKA a "pickle") is the base path re-established each time a new attempt at a tag is made? Suppose R1 rounds 2nd and is 5 feet outside the BASE LINE when F6 attempts a tag. She is heading toward third when this occurs so her BASE PATH is, oh let's say a 20 degree angle to third. F6 throws to F5. R1 now turns around and is heading back toward 2nd and she is heading straight toward 2nd. F5 throws to F6 who attempts a tag. Now the runner's BASE PATH has been re-established and is a straight line to 2nd. The BASE PATH and BASE LINE coincide at this time. Also, they are only out if the run outside the path to avoid a tag. If the run outside to avoid a fielder who is not in possession of the ball we don't have an out. We have obstruction.

Anyone disagree with any of the above?

Rule citations would be helpful!
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