Originally Posted by twocentsworth
In addition to a general lack/decline of sportsmanship by players and coaches, it has been my experience that more and more officials lack the "people skills" to handle/diffuse situations. I see officials routinely turn to issuing a T or ejection, when there were/are plenty of other remedies that they either don't know how to use or won't use.
Of course some will disagree (and just you wait...they'll be along shortly to do so and tell me i'm wrong...).
That is BS, its always the coaches/players fault! Are you a ref or a coach?
No, I agree, it is a bit of both, especially in the off-season. What I see from us locally is officials are going to the T as a first choice instead of using the tool as a last resort.
I've also noticed that its generally the same guy(s) that get caught up in the mess with Ts, player/coach/fan ejections, etc. It's usually the same players/coaches/fans too

IMO officials with exceptional people skills dont get into many off-season altercations.