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Old Mon Apr 09, 2012, 09:10am
JWP JWP is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 30
I used to work as a sports editor at a small newspaper that had a minor league baseball team. Over the years, I got to meet Hall of Fame pitcher Warren Spahn (far more interested in our paper's very pretty photographer than in talking to me), Bob Feller (the man's ego matched his famed fastball), Dallas Greene (huge guy ... just filled the room), and a collection of Penthouse Pets who played is charity softball games (very pretty, very well built, not very good players).

The saddest one was meeting Billy Martin in the early 1980s. This was when he was doing commercials for Miller Lite with George Steinbrenner, making fun of him being fired all the time and always getting into fights. In one ad, he had the line "I didn't punch no doggie." I was interviewing him while we were watching the game, and every 30 seconds or so, somebody would wallk up to us and yell, "I didn't punch no doggie" or "Hey, Billy, been fired today?" and other smart comments.

He finally went down to the bullpen, away from the crowd. It was the only place where he could have a conversation and watch the game in peace. I have never seen anybody look more haunted in my life. I remember thinking at the time, "No matter whatr they are paying him, it's not worth it."
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