Originally Posted by asdf
So, do you think a loud F-Bomb (heard by all in attendance) by a high school player is permissable?
A loud F-Bomb gets a player or coach tossed. Period. 3-3-1-g-2 (NFHS). Penalty is ejection.
If it is said low enough such that only I and the catcher can hear, then I would exercise some preventive officiating and warn the offender and maybe let the coach know (discreetly) that a warning has been issued. If it is so loud that everyone can hear it, you have no choice. Dump them.
If you don't, then you can be accused of selective rule enforcement. Plus, what would you do if a kid or coach on the other team lets loose with an F-bomb loud enough for all to hear? You can't dump THEM.
"Nip it in the bud!" - Barney Fife.