Originally Posted by biggravy
I would agree with this BUT- In the last few years I have seen waaaay more "veterans" (guys repeating their first year for the fifteenth time) that allow this kind of behavior. It's a poor example, and I have no problem with an official posting here and being affirmed that, yes, there are plenty of officials who penalize unsportsmanklike behavior with the appropriate sanction. YMMV.
I don't have a problem with his posting at all. I thought he let the coach be a bit of douche, but the last thing I would want to do is eject a coach. I've restricted two to the bench, but they were JV coaches and young. Plus, all it would done in the long run was hurt the fans, and both teams. Dumping a HS varsity coach is somewhat frowned upon by our association for various reasons, but we have so few problems with them. For the most part, they all come out, and address a call politely, and in a proper manner.