Originally Posted by EsqUmp
I would hesitate to eject the coach. The rule book addresses a very specific play with a specific penalty. While the catchall "unsportsmanlike conduct" ejection could technically apply, I would hesitate to add additional penalties rather than merely enforce those specifically applicable to the rule.
Speaking purely ASA and not NFHS...
The rule only states that it is to be enforced if the coach's actions draw a throw. It makes no mention of whether it must be deliberate, only that his actions drew the throw. If I believe that the coach's actions were
without a doubt committed with the specific intent of drawing a throw, that's unsportsmanlike, and they'll be gone.
Not trying to stray off-subject here, but take the following sitches. High fly ball near the first base coach's box. F3 has plenty of time to get there. However, in sitch 1, the coach attempts to get out of the way, but runs into F3. In sitch 2, the coach stomps his feet to confuse F3 into thinking another player is about to collide with her.
In sitch 1, I would just call the dead ball and the batter out. In sitch 2, that coach will be pondering their actions in the parking lot.
I'll give a coach or player the benefit of the doubt if I'm not absolutely certain that their actions were unsportsmanlike. But if I'm certain, they're gone.