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Old Wed Apr 09, 2003, 07:34pm
Mark Dexter Mark Dexter is offline
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I feel Picked on!!

Originally posted by Woodee


Please forgive my ignorance, but whats the differnece between a charge and PC? Also, what are the free-throws for?

I'm somewhat familiar with NC2A rules.
Player Control foul, under both NCAA and NF rules is any personal foul (uncomplicated by double/multiple, etc. situation) committed by a player who is in control of the ball. (In women's NCAA and NF - it's also a foul by an airborne shooter after he has released the ball.) The dribbler could (technically) set an illegal screen, have a blocking foul, but it would be called player control.

A charge or push is exactly that - when a player pushes into or through another player. In 9 out of 10 cases - it's reported/signalled as a charge. If the dribbler does this, it's player control (i.e., any foul by the player in control of the ball).

As to the free throws - in men's NCAA rules, any foul by the airborne shooter after the release of the ball is no longer a player control foul. In addition, once the ball is released on a try, team control ends, so there is no longer team control. This foul is therefore not a team control foul, so B1 recieves the appropriate number of free throws, if B is in the bonus.
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