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Old Wed Apr 09, 2003, 03:02pm
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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Originally posted by gsf23
But for how long does the NBA continue to pour millions of dollars into a WNBA that keeps losing money? 5 years??? 10 years??? 20 years???

To get the kids you have to get to the parents also. It's going to be hard for little Susie to become a fan of the WNBA when mom and dad don't ever take her to a game or never watch a game at home.
It's a reasonable question. And it depends on whether or not you buy that it makes long-term sense. I think one place they went wrong that the ABL had it right is the places the WNBA located teams. ABL picked towns with good womens programs and solid womens attendance figures. NBA is going to NBA markets, which are not necessarily the right women's markets, at least not until the league is more established.

Go to Connecticut and Tennessee and see if you can't get more fans out. They pack them in for women's games there, and the fans know all the players. They follow the women's game, so they would be more interested than the markets that have no viable college programs.
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