Originally Posted by BillyMac
Many, many years ago, the ruling would be violation on A1 for not completing a legal throwin, and the ball would go to B at the spot of the original throwin. This very old, and now changed, interpretation may explain the confusion among some of the more "experienced" officials. This myth will probably "hang around" until all of us more "experienced" officials are dead, not that I'm volunteering for anything soon.
Billy, this happened in an NCAA game. And even though the rule is the same for NCAA-M and NCAA-W, Men's side is going with one interpretation and Women's side with the opposite. So it's not about myths. It's about a rule that is not clearly written and has no case play to guide us.
BTW, I'm agree with
Nevada and NCAA-W, it should go to spot where the ball was caught since the thrower is not who violated.