Originally Posted by JetMetFan
With the color of the wristbands/headbands, yeah. I always enforce it but I could care less what color they have on.
Watched a few of my friends in a state tournament game last night. Two players on Green had on, what I thought were, tights. I don't know if the officials ignored it, or didn't see it, or asked, and discovered that they were actually long socks, or "sleeves", and I didn't ask. I've seen more tights this year than ever before, both on the court, and in the officials' dressing room. I wish that the NFHS would address this issue with either a rule change, or a Point of Emphasis. I don't like being a "Fashion Police" official when otherwise outstanding officials just ignore the tights, or don't know the rule. I really don't like it when I start the game with the coach thinking, "This is one of those "rulebook" guys. He can rule on equipment issues, but can he call the block/charge?".