Thread: Time Out ?
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Old Mon Mar 05, 2012, 01:35pm
berserkBBK berserkBBK is offline
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
I tried to provide a hint...but it was missed.

The rules on when a timeout can be taken don't say anything about the clock starting for the extra period. The next timeout can be called once the ball is live for the extra period. That might occur before the the clock starts for the extra period.

There are several, albeit unlikely, ways you could have a live ball before the clock starts....
  • a common foul on the jump before the ball is touched (but after the ball is tossed)
  • a jump ball violation before the ball is touched
  • a technical foul after the 4th quarter has ended in a tie where you start the OT with FTs for the T.

All of these, create an opportunity for a timeout that is no longer in the window restricted by the successive timeout rule but is before the clock starts again.
Ahhh, I'm still new to the forum and can't be held responsible for knowing everyone's sneaky ways of bringing up further ideas to the rule. Plus it was late so I didn't have my thinking cap on.

With that said, yes those are instances that would make a second TO non successive. Not something I have previously thought, but if it happened I hope I would recognize it on the floor. Even though this is probably a less then once in a career situation.
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