Originally Posted by tref
...I simply allowed him to referee his play...
When read after everything else in this thread, I think this sounds kind of arrogant. Did you let him go use the bathroom at halftime?
Originally Posted by tref
I hear you & appreciate all the input from everyone! Yeah, I listen to all & really try to take away things from peers especially top tier officials.
But for the record, I achieved the same a couple years ago. So I must be doing something right...
I agree that it takes more than merely blowing a whistle to be considered an exceptional official, BUT... getting plays right is first & foremost. Wouldn't you agree?
You may have did something right to get that championship, but if you have been perfect since then you should quit right now.
I think you should have called travel in your first play. Some things should just be called. Keep things simple and this whole situation wouldn't have happened. Now, you could have been surprised and simply missed the jump ball.
In the third play, you didn't answer a question from before: who was watching the other 7 players? Some things you shouldn't see. The fact that you see all of these plays makes me think you may be a ball watcher.
Advancing doesn't always mean an official is the best official. Assignors do not know everything and sometimes choose championship officials based on social factors. Not saying that applies to you, but to simply say you have worked championships doesn't mean...