Originally Posted by CelticNHBlue
I've had several discussions in the past weeks regarding this issue. There have been some interesting points brought up along the way, both here and in my other travels.
Taking a complete look at the possibilites that can result during a play that starts with an IP, I now wonder why an offensive coach doesn't just send all his runners once s/he recognizes one has been called.
By definition, an IP is a DDB to allow the play to be completed so the offense can select the most advantageous result. The play does not end until the ball is held by the pitcher in the circle and all runners are standing on a base.
Does it seem so outrageous that if you have R1 on first, and an IP that is not hit, to have your runner jog to second and continue to third. The worst that can happen is she gets tagged out and the coach takes the IP option. I can totally see a defense pointing in confusion that 'the runner only gets one base on an IP', 'why is she still advancing'; but doing nothing to stop her.
Anyone disagree with my conclusion? Am I just really late to the table having this sink in now? All this option play discussion from the NCAA rule change has gotten me thinking about these situations in more depth.
I no longer call college ball, but in NFHS the offense doesn't have an option if the IP isn't hit or the batter becomes a BR. Once it isn't hit, dead ball, make the award.