Originally Posted by cbfoulds
You really are asking two, related but separate; questions:
What First Aid or CPR training should an umpire have? - AND -
What liability issues are there if Umpire uses such training?
I am currently a CPR instructor and umpire. As much as I want to help, my first duty as the umpire in a game is to make sure the emergency medical response is initiated. This response will likely consist of one or two well-rested, hydrated and maybe even professional responders, with small kit of equipment. The best assistance I can offer to them is to keep gawkers away from them and make sure the ambulance is on the way.
If there is only one person who can provide emergency treatment, then after I have done the other duties (assigned coaches to phone in the emergency and keep gawkers at bay) I will announce my training to that person and offer my assistance. Chest compressions can tire even a well-rested athletic person, and they need to be maintained until paramedics arrive.
I've got no patience for a parent OR officials board member who would jump on a trained CPR provider, if the assistance was done properly.