Originally Posted by ga314ref
... it's obvious he's out of control, so put him out of the picture because he's shown he's unreasonable enough to not care how his behavior affects his team's chances. For me, at this point, it's game management's responsibility to get him out of there, and quick. Fortunately, we have LEOs at our games, and they have no issue with making sure anyone who needs to leave, leaves.
However, if game management were unwilling or unable to handle this, I'd suspend the game, write my report, and let the state decide the next steps.
That was another point which popped into my head. If the coach has picked up two direct Ts it's safe to say he hasn't been a solid citizen during the game. He's already taken up the crew's time and the players' time with his behavior.
I still don't see a need to bother game management. I was involved in a game - non-playoff - like this a few years ago and this is what my partner said to the coach:
1. "Coach, you need to leave the court."
2. "Coach, you need to leave the court."
3. "Coach, we're not restarting the game until you leave the court."
4. "Coach, if you don't leave the court we're going to call the game."
It all took about two minutes and the coach left.
One other consideration: if it's a District game wouldn't there be a representative from the coach's school in the gym? I ask because they would see how this person is representing their school and might be inclined to back up the officials if the coach got out of control.