Originally Posted by JRutledge
You did not answer my question. Are you going to forfeit the game on the spot because the coach said they are not leaving?
He did answer, before you even asked....
Originally Posted by JerryLundagard
I heard about a situation at my game tonight and wanted to get some input on it.
District Tournament game at neutral site. One of the coaches gets two technicals fouls and is ejected. He tells the officials he is not going to leave the court.
The official after being told by the coach won’t leave the gym goes to Game Management to get the coach to leave. The coach and the site manager have a heated exchange and he still refuses to leave the gym. Game Management gets a Police Officer who finally gets the coach off the floor and in the hallway behind the gym. The whole process took four or five minutes.
My thoughts are why involve Game Management; this is a situation that is definitely covered in the rule book. The rule book clearly spells out what happens if coach fails to comply with the penalty for a technical foul, forfeit. Why would we dump this in Game Management’s lap? Tell the coach that if he doesn’t leave the gym his team will forfeit the game. Have the clock operator start the timer and let the coach know he has 60 seconds to leave. Ball is in his court.
Am I over simplifying things?