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Old Fri Feb 17, 2012, 12:47pm
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Originally Posted by letemplay View Post
Sorry, I've since found out that the sub for the shooter WAS in the game at the time. I think the tv crew may have added to the confusion because they were talking about the opposing coach choosing anyone on bench and they were showing the subs that hadn't even been in the game yet. Still like to know the ruling on how long an injured player has to "recover" in order to stay in game and shoot his own ft's.
I know in HS, once I've made the decision to replace him, coach gets to choose whether or not to take a TO to keep him in. It's a judgment call, and there's no set time limit. I base it completely on the apparent severity of the injury, and whether the coach comes on or not.

Once that decision is made, the coach essentially has the same amount of time it takes the trainers to get the player off of the floor.
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