Thread: Block/charge
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Old Wed Apr 02, 2003, 01:22pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Wink Money makes the world go round.

Originally posted by rockyroad

Wow...sure is fun having you around the board...things pretty rough in Nevada or something??
I do not know about you, but this sounds offended to me. Why would you question the man's state or what is going on there?

Originally posted by rockyroad

if it weren't for all the $$$ that CBS and the advertisers pump into the men's tournament, it would not have 64 teams either...those $$$ have been great for the men's tournament, and Title IX has been great for the women's...
But why do they pump money into the Men's Tournament? Ya think it might be because more people watch the Men's game and attend those games? This is one of the reasons that the Women's NCAA Tournmaent is on cable TV. If CBS made money on the Women's Tournament, the games would not be on ESPN. No different than why hockey was on cable for a long time and ABC network is currently losing money for putting the NHL on regular TV. I wonder why they put NBA games on the weekend now?

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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