Originally Posted by ref2coach
Agreed in full.
Now, In our state a common mantra of the State supervisors is "there has to be a whistle EVERY time bodies hit the floor". What is the right thing to do when the B1 anticipates contact, A1 pulls up and shoots staying within his verticality but B1 being barely touched, falls to the floor? Compounded by A1 missing the shot and you now have rebounding action with a player on the floor endangering himself and others?
It's been my experience the player that flops usually penalizes himself by being unable to compete for a rebound or remain useful in the play. There have been occasions in which the player on the floor gets tangled up in the feet of an opposing player either with or without the ball and puts the opposing player at a clear disadvantage. In those cases I'll whistle the player on the ground for a common foul, with my rational being they can't have a legal guarding or rebounding position while on the floor, and it's their own damn fault for being there.