As a fan/parent of a high school player, I'd be interested in hearing the definition of a dunk. Does the player have to touch the rim? Is it simply the act of throwing the ball down with force from above the rim? My son was warned during warmups for gently flipping the ball downward without touching the rim. I thought the spirit of the rule was to avoid damaging rims and "showing up" your opponents. No one has a problem if the ball is "dropped" into the basket from well above the rim. The distinction seems somewhat arbitrary to me.
For what it is worth, I found this message board last April and I have enjoyed learning more about the rules of the game. It has helped me immensely when watching the games.
I know our team has a manditory parent meeting each year. A 10 minute presentation about the "Myths" I have been reading lately on this board would really help reduce the "chatter" I hear at most games