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Old Mon Jan 30, 2012, 11:00am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef View Post
Slips through whose hands, A1 or A2.

If it's A1 then it is a muff and he may recover but not dribble.

If A1 passed the ball and it went through A2's hands and A1 recovered then we have an illegal dribble.
Agree on the first point, but not on the second. Once A2 touched the pass, A1 can recover and dribble.

The key in the play is determining whether it was a fumble or a pass. If it was a fumble, then it can be recovered, but A1 has already used his dribble and any further dribble would be a violation. If it was a pass, then it becomes a dribble (and a violation) when A1 is the first to touch it after it hits the floor. (And if it was a pass, but A1 caught it before it hits the floor, it's a violation if the pivot foot moved.)
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