That was my point exactly. This is not a regular season game. You don't want to end the season this way, and the state clearly plans to address this thing. Hopefuly they choose an appropriate punishment that allows future players for both teams to continue playing but hammers them hard enough to prevent future incidents. I could even see them having a one year post-season ban - it would allow the kids to play the season but let them know that you want to play in the tournament, you follow the rules.
You do not want to send the message that this type of thing is tolerated in big games, but you also don't want to end your state championship in the first quarter. The state seems to have found a way to handle both aspects of this issue, and good on them.
One point I would quibble with is the one about the paper not covering it once punishment is handed out. I know the Post HS Sports section would have an article following up when the decision is made, and I imagine the same will be true in PA. Depending on the severity of the punishment, the article may or may not draw much attention. Shut a major progam down and it could be front page of the sports section - slap them on the wrist and it falls to page 12.