Originally Posted by Jfpdi
Handing the ball to the wrong team happened last year in a local boys varsity game to a crew from our local board after a timeout late in the game. The visiting team erronously was given the ball to inbound, buried a three and their coach kept reminding the official it could not be corrected once the throw in ended. The home coach went ballistic, got T'd up and lost by 3.
We use shot clocks in NY boys and girls Varsity and JV. Most schools I have worked at pay the table crew so usually they are pretty good. Sometimes you have to fix their errors but overall I'd say it works ok.
I will say I attended a 2 day clinic 2 years ago where they used a shot clock. The kids operating it were a disaster and the observer was all over our crew for not paying enough attention to the clocks while the game was going on and afterwards. I have since become a lot more aware of the clocks and believe I am better for that lesson.
...many years ago when my sister played in Brooklyn, HS girls had a 30-second clock. And no backcourt violation.