Originally Posted by bob jenkins
I would guess that they can't "not use" the shot clock in either scenario. In the second one, they should use a stop watch with the timer calling off the time periodically -- 15, 10 , 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for example.
I've been at a few NCAA-M low level (NAIA / USCAA) games where the shot clock acted up.
In one game, the time was kept at the table with the PA announcer updating every 5 seconds (I don't remember it getting blow 5 seconds at all in the game).
In the other game, the shot clocks were the portable kind with seven segment LEDs. For whatever reason, the upper three LEDS an all the shot clocks weren't working, so th ePA guy was told to count down the last 10 seconds. (Luckily, that only happened once).
I once was at an NCAA-W game where the host school plays in local high school gyms and didn't have access to their portable shot clocks due to a holiday break. (nice I know.
So we played that game with no shot clock. It got interesting when our team -- the guests -- decided to go into a stall late in the game and killed well over a minute off the clock at one point, much the the chagrin of the home fans who wondered why there was no 30 second violation.