Thread: Pinstripes
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Old Fri Dec 30, 2011, 12:49am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef View Post
And the schools who order pinstriped uniforms don't have access to the same rules citations?

Sorry, but the schools are the ones who have rules to follow and who suffer if the rules are broken. They need to do their due diligence when making purchases. Could be as simple as including the actual pertinent rules in any correspondence with the vendors.

Akin to having 6 men on the court. Officials shouldn't let it happen but in the end it's on the teams to make sure they follow the rule or pay the price.
Having been in sales over the years and having to sell products to people based on circumstances, it is always the responsibility of those that are selling a product to know their customer. If their customer has special needs or certain regulations or certain rules they must follow, it is their job to know this on some level. Or at the very least ask. Not saying they have to know every little idiosyncrasies, but they should know basic rules like how big the side panels can be or if a the lettering has some restrictions. I have a family member that bought a car in Iowa and the dealership knew all the laws of Illinois and knew what was required before the deal was final. Now if you are selling a uniform to a team that plays under National Federation Rules, you would think they would know something about those rules when it comes to the school you are selling them to.

I am not absolving any responsibility of the schools. I know that there are schools that had new uniforms purchased for them by the "seller" because they gave them illegal uniforms. Now why do you think they did that if they did not feel responsible? Or if you are a school and you do not want the potential to start every contest with a T, then you better also know what you are buying and if it is not right, you send it back. I know one school that had just bought new uniforms was so upset he said he would never deal with them again. Now that company just lost a customer that might give them thousands of dollars in business all because they did not cross all "t" and dot the "i."

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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