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Old Wed Dec 28, 2011, 12:11pm
fullor30 fullor30 is offline
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Originally Posted by 7IronRef View Post
Sounds like over officiating to me.

TF's are supposed to improve the game and I don't see that in this case. So what if a 6th grader thought and said the call was crap (unless he said it loud enough that it could not have been overlooked - which wasn't the case "under his breath"). The player had just fouled out, made a comment, was asked to repeat it by an adult/authority figure, got T'd for it - baited in my opinion.

Let it go, maybe say something to the coach and move on. Remember that at least one person is going to think any call or no-call is crap depending on their POV.

BTW, of course a parent is going to stick up for their child, especially when there was no profanity involved and it wasn't disrepectful.
Wasn't disrespectful? A sixth grader addressing an adult and an official to boot? While not profane 'crap' from a sixth grader should not be part of his/her vocabulary

And by the way, My kids are Catholic and are automatically guilty until proven innocent!
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