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Old Fri Dec 23, 2011, 09:31am
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post
My fantasy answer to one of the lines:

"It's the first time in 22 years of coaching...."

"No it isn't."

I whacked a coach during a Christmas tournament two years ago and he told me, "That's only my third technical in 14 years." When I got together with a group of officials at the watering hole afterwards, there were 6 technicals in the last 5 years *at my table*.

So anytime a coach uses a line like that, I assume they're lying or incredibly forgetful.
One season I gave a notoriously a-hole coach a T in the first 4 minutes of the first game of the season. I didn't have him again for another 7-8 weeks. He runs into me in the hallway before the game and says "that's the only T I have had all season" and to which I responded (in my early years before I had a filter) "I doubt that".

Needless to say, that evening he became the only coach I ever tossed by giving back-to-back T's. And it occurred while his team was up by 40 points in the 3rd quarter during a dead ball in which his team was about to shoot 2 free throws following an intentional foul by the opposing team.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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