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Old Wed Dec 21, 2011, 11:31am
VaTerp VaTerp is offline
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Originally Posted by mj View Post
Never say never. Earlier this year during a dead ball substitute wait, I told a captain who was inbounding "I like the way you play Megan, you play hard all the time." Her response, "Thank you.........thank you Mark"

First time ever and it made my night on an otherwise crappy night.
I always address players by their number, even when I have known them from coaching AAU, or other circles.

Cool exchange though. The problem would be when you get the smart azz kid who uses your name in a disrespectful manner. To this point I've never seen it happen in a scholastic game but have during high school rec leagues.

My experience with those leagues has not been great as I have run into a lot of spoiled, entitled, little punks who think they can say and do whatever they want. I would never give those kids my first name and during those capt's meetings simply say we are your officials today.