Originally Posted by BillyMac
Clear? A few Forum members have indicated that the rule does seem to present a "gray" area. I am not adamant that I am correct. I also think that the rule is slightly ambiguous.
I would love to see a "clear" rule, or casebook play, where the term "forced" is used to describe the writing of a name in the scorebook.
The T is for adding a name or changing a number. The fact that I know I called a PC foul on #15 at the 7:00 mark is all I need to direct the scorer to add #15 to the book some point later in the game. At that point it becomes a T.
Are you going to ignore that fact that you called a foul on #15? So, if you call a foul on #20 and the scorer records it as #30 are you saying you are not at some point later in the game going to have the scorer correct that mistake?