Originally Posted by RichMSN
I'm working 3 games between Christmas and New Year's Day. All part of some tourney, which here in Wisconsin usually involves 4 teams playing 2 games each on 2 nights. Nothing like Illinois (when I was licensed there, it was mainly for these tourneys).
PArt of the reason for the difference in tournaments is because of the way the states count / restrict number of games.
In WI, it's a flat number (18 or so, I think).
In IL, you can play up to 5 games in a "tournament" (that can extend over two weeks), and the "tournament" only counts as 1 game in the limit. So, a team could play 21 games (I think that's the limit) and no tournaments, or 18 games plus 3 tournaments = 33 games. (that's not the exact way it works -- the second tournament a team is in might count for 2 games).