Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by APHP
I can argue also, that if A2's "bat/pass" is from frontcourt to backcourt--then it is a violation if a team A player is first to touch the ball.
You can argue it all you want. . . 
Mick nailed it in the first reply here. Team control is established when a player on that team has player control. And player control is very clearly defined as "holding or dribbling a live ball inbounds". Batting the ball does not establish team control, even if you intentionally bat it in a specific direction. Bat = no player control. No player control = no team control. No team control = no backcourt violation.
The explanation in casebook play 4.12COMMENT backs Mick and Chuck up.The last sentence states "No team is in control while the ball is dead,during a throw-in or jump,after the ball has left the hand on try or tap for goal,nor during the period which follows any of these acts WHILE THE BALL IS SLAPPED AWAY FROM OTHER PLAYERS IN AN ATTEMPT TO SECURE CONTROL".
Also see casebook play 4.12.6(b) for similar logic and rules backup.